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building brand ecosystem

Brand Management & Product Oversight, Judy Prep Inc.


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JUDY package design

Briefed and collaborated with professional design team to create the new, and first-ever, retail-ready packaging for new items in the JUDY collection.

Content development & studio coordination

Sourced and managed photo and video shoots for product launches, holiday campaigns and sustaining visual arsenal for social, website and marketing needs.

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website & landing page management

Manage the upkeep of website and Shopify backend, including: sourcing and briefing website developers, designing and building all landing pages for sales and marketing campaigns, as well as collaborating with app and platform teams to build in new features and retention-focused design elements.

© 2023 by Ann Young. Proudly created with

Lets Connect:


Cell Phone: (732) 379-2773

Learn About Me: 

Visit page: "Tell Me More, Tell Me More!"

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